Go Anywhere & Do Anything


The Dog of Your Dreams!

Life with The Dog of Your Dreams Should Be An

Amazing Adventure!

Our Mission at New Light K9 is to provide the insight and understanding you need to live an amazing life of adventures with your best canine friend by your side.

See How it Works in Our Free, Online E-Book

"Introduction to the New Light K9 Training Philosophy"




Live a Joyful Life with your
Best K9 Friend at your side!

Purchase a One-Time 1:1 Coaching Session

Understand and improve your dog's most frustrating behaviors.

Schedule Session

"K9 Behavior Assessment & Plan for Improvement"

[Phone Call or Zoom Available]

Hey there!

I'm Jack

What began as an all-consuming desire to help my own personal dogs live their best possible lives has become my Life's Mission.

As a professional dog trainer, I spend my days helping frustrated dogs and dog owners such as one woman who called me, in tears, saying, "there HAS to be something more than this..."

I am here to tell you, unequivocally, "YES, there IS something more!"

We have poured everything we've learned, from decades spent transforming the lives of troubled dogs and their human friends, into our online training materials.

Our online dog (and human) training programs are designed to help anyone, anywhere, build a world-class relationship and live an amazing life of freedom and adventure with their beloved best dog friend.

We would love to help you:

"Go Anywhere & Do Anything" with the Dog of Your Dreams!

~ The Youngfox Family

Boulder, Colorado  

"I started with a wild raccoon and lots of frustration, and ended up with a soulmate. The training and guidance they provide go WAY deeper than "sit" and "stay". It's like relationship counseling between you and your dog. Imagine getting to break down all the communication barriers, and unlocking your dog's true potential. I didn't even know what [his] potential really was, and it ended up being light years beyond what I expected. "

 A.H. Burbank, CA

"I've been doing lessons with them for about a month and a half and he is a COMPLETELY different puppy. He's sooo well behaved now. He isn't distracted by everything and everyone. I can have him off leash and he'll trot beside me and I don't have any concern that he'll bolt or chase other dogs and people.. and he's only 4 1/2 months old. These guys are ammaazziinng at what they do."

 D.S. Boulder, CO

"Jack taught us all about dog culture and body language so we could keep our dogs under control while sending away rowdy dog troublemakers.  It is a total dream to be able to hike or run the trails knowing that our dogs are safe under our control."

 L.P. Boulder, CO
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Live a Life of Amazing Adventures

With The Dog of Your Dreams!

Resources for every stage of raising, training or rehabilitating your Best K9 Friend.

Online Courses



1:1 Private Coaching

New Light K9 Friends

Life with the Dog of Your Dreams can be an Amazing Adventure!

Our Mission at New Light K9 is to give you the knowledge and understanding you need to build a world-class relationship with the dog of your dreams, and live an amazing life of adventures with your best canine friend at your side!

See how it works in our free, online E-Book:

"Introduction to the New Light K9 Training Philosophy"